Stake_ eTHENA

Stake Your eTHENA anytime to start Earning BNB

Staking is NOW OPEN!

Hello 👋 Connect wallet!

Stake eTHENA
Available: ??????

Withdraw eTHENA
Staked: ??????

Claimable Earnings:
???.??? BNB
Total Earnings: ?????? BNB

Currently Staked eTHENA (TVL)

Streaming BNB Rewards A.P.R.
+ Auto-compounded veTHE A.P.Y.
= Net Realized Staking Yield

Splitting Potential per eTHENA
? veTHE
Weekly Rebase Gains as well as the Redeem Fees get auto-compounded back to increase the amount of veTHE backing each 1 eTHENA, resulting in additional gains for all eTHENA holders, stakers, liquidity providers & farmers by virtue of increase in price relative to simple THE.

Mint Stake Split Trade Docs

L2 Farm (SingleSide) L2 Farm (Classic)

LP Gauge (SingleSide) LP Gauge (Classic)

Dune Analytics Exit Liquidity Charts

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