Supercharge your MLP rewards with Eliteness Wrapped Morphex MLP
Yield APR
Total Value Locked
-.--% of MLP

Mint eliteMorphexMLP

eliteMorphexMLP is always minted 1:1 with MLP.

Balance: -.-- MLP

Switch to Stake tab.
Or use it elsewhere!

Stake eliteMorphexMLP

Deposit into Gauge Farm to Earn Rewards!
TVL: $-.--

Switch to Mint tab.

Balance: -.-- eliteMorphexMLP

Switch to Claim tab.

Your Rewards

View and Claim all Your Earnings!

Un-Stake eliteMorphexMLP

Withdraw tokens from Staking Gauge

Switch to Unstake tab.

Balance: -.-- eliteMorphexMLP

Switch to Withdraw tab.
Or use eliteMorphexMLP elsewhere!

Redeem eliteMorphexMLP

Unwrap 1:1 to MLP at anytime!

Switch to Unstake tab.

Balance: -.-- eliteMorphexMLP

Looking for the old Dapp?
Please connect your web3 wallet.
Balance: ? USDC
Wallet at Fantom Opera. Change?