Lockless Protocol

💉Mint 🌾Stake 💹Trade 🔎Pool

Please connect your web3 wallet.
A web3 wallet is now connected.

Step 1.

Mint SWKAVA by Locking KAVA

To Lock: KAVA Receive: SWKAVA Platform: Lockless Protocol Fees: 0.00%

Deposit Native KAVA
(Native Kava Coin)


Asset Balance 0 KAVA 0 iKAVA 0 WKAVA 0 SWKAVA

Mint SWKAVA by locking KAVA

Converting KAVA to SWKAVA is non-reversible.
All KAVA that are used to mint SWKAVA get locked permanently into Lockless Protocol for Staking with the best Validators.

To convert SWKAVA back into KAVA, anyone can Trade it easily on a DEX such as The ABcDeFX or Equilibre.

Step 2.

Add SWKAVA with KAVA to Liquidity

To start earning Liquid Staking rewards from Lockless Protocol, add SWKAVA with KAVA to Liquidity at the Equilibre DEX.

By adding SWKAVA with KAVA to Liquidity at Equilibre, you will receive special "LP Tokens" with the symbol 'sAMM-SWKAVA/WKAVA'.
These LP tokens need to be staked at final Step 3. to start earning rewards!

Step 3.

Liquid Staking for KAVA

Coming Soon in March 2023!

Earnings will start in March 2023 when Round 0 ends and Round 1 begins. Validators can still place bribes to attract stake allocations!

Deposit: SWKAVA-KAVA LP Rewards: KAVA, SWKAVA, OSMO, USDC Platform: Lockless on ABcDeFx Fees: 0.00%

(ABcDeFx LP)


? Your Stake ? Earned ? A.P.R. ? T.V.L.

Dry Date

Farming History

Total Earnings

Past Interactions

TimeStamp Action Currency Amount Explore Txn.

Important Addresses


Staked-Wrapped Echelon



Vault 1 ⇢ 2,600 KAVA


Vault 2 ⇢ 12,200 KAVA


Frequently Asked Questions

(Lite Farmlands)

When can we claim rewards?

Rewards accrue each block time and are available for claiming instantly. Each deposit and withdraw harvests your crops automatically and sendsthem to your wallet directly.

How long does a farm last?

Fields on our LITE Farmlands last forever. Rewards last as long as the community decides to keep funding. Top-ups can be made regularly after a farm dries up to start a new season by anyone. There is a countdown timer reflecting the same at each farm, titled "Dry Date". This duration is specified by the tenants when they first occupy their fields.

Which tokens & DEX do Farmlands support?

We support all DEXes. We support all tokens that implement the standard ERC20 functions. We support single sided staking too.

How to create a new Farm?

Did you just launch a Token Pair on your favorite DEX and are looking to set up a farm for free? Please contact us on Discord.gg/QpyfMarNrV and type /newFarm to begin the adventure!


Anyone can request a farm for free. Guru Network merely provides a platform to host your farm under its Farm-Maker program. Listings are in no manner an endorsement. We do not run background checks and the onus of due dilligence lies on the end-user, you. 99.7% of all projects are scams, rugs, slow-rugs, honeypots or outright lies. Please exercise extreme caution while dealing with smart contracts and crypto assets. We do not take any listing fees for this program and never DM you for personal information or keys.

Total Value Locked